
Root Canal Nerve Injury

Endodontic Treatment (“root canal therapy” or “RCT”) of mandibular molar teeth has the potential to result in damage to the inferior alveolar nerve due to direct trauma, pressure or neurotoxicity. As an Atlanta dental malpractice attorney, I find that many of these dental nerve injuries are caused by dental malpractice, with the biggest number of dental nerve injuries being caused by root canal overfills or over-instrumentation. Extending the root canal files past the root tip apex and into the lower jaw (mandible) causes damage to the inferior alveolar nerve and extending the root canal files past the root tip apex in the upper jaw (maxillary) can cause nerve damage in the upper face to nerves such as the infra-orbital nerve. Many times, patients who have suffered injuries due to this deviation from the dental standard of care are diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. However, this is not a precise diagnosis and a second opinion with a micro-neurosurgeon who specializes in oral surgical procedures may prove helpful.

Robert J. Fleming is an Atlanta attorney who has a great deal of experience in handling dental malpractice cases. If you have suffered a dental nerve injury caused by a root canal treatment or other dental procedure, please call Mr. Fleming directly at (404) 923-7497 to discuss your case in complete confidence.

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